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​FAQ 常見問題

1.    什麼是銀杏館?

1.    What is Gingko House?
Gingko House was established in 2003 with the mission to promote the employment of the elderly in Hong Kong. Gingko House strives to provide more employment opportunities for elders who have critical economical/psychological needs. So far, we’ve created job opportunities that span from restaurants, organic farm, food manufacturing, catering, elderly music band, and an elderly employment service. In the past decade, Gingko House has employed over 3000 Seniors.

2.    什麼是LOVE PROJECT?
「銀杏館關懷行動」(Gingko House LOVE PROJECT)始於2016年8月,為支持者提供一個渠道,贈予香港露宿者、單身長者及弱勢群體一些物品(金錢除外),送上一點點關懷。我們的座右銘: 「買物品贈予有需要人士」。


2.    What is LOVE PROJECT?
The Gingko House LOVE PROJECT was started in August 2016 to give our supporters a way to give something (other than money) to very deserving underprivileged groups in Hong Kong.
Our motto: “Buy something for the needy”.

3.    我應該如何參加LOVE PROJECT?

3.    How do i join LOVE PROJECT?
There are 2 ways to support us:
‧BUY something from one of our campaigns
‧VOLUNTEER by signing up via email at our website and help us distribute the goods after the campaign


4.    銀杏館是不是慈善機構?
LOVE PROJECT是銀杏館餐廳的延伸。銀杏館餐廳屬於非政府資助,自資營運的社會企業。我們相信任何組織都必須能夠自我營運,不能過份依賴政府及外界的支持,因此盈利模式相當重要。

4.    Is Gingko House a charity?
The Love project is an extension of Gingko House Restaurants, which is a non-government funded, for-profit social enterprise.  Our belief is that any organization needs to be self- sustainable and cannot rely on external support hence the importance of the for profit model.

5.    活動所得的款項是否全數用於物品或其制作成本?有沒有行政費用?


5.    Is all revenues will be use for buying goods or thier production costs? Any administrative cost?
All the proceeds raised without dedeucting any administrative cost will be used for the goods or thier production costs.


6.    LOVE PROJECT接受什麼付款方法?
我們主要透過網站 使用 Paypal (主要接受信用卡) 進行網上付款交易,或者 您可以透過銀行轉賬到下列賬戶(並請將銀行入數紙轉發至電子郵箱;或 WhatsApp 5109 3968。

支持轉數快(FPS)戶口, 轉數快電話號碼: 68457682 ​

恒生銀行 (A/C 244-256574-001) 戶口名稱:Gingko House 
中國銀行 (A/C 012-35100042148) 戶口名稱:ELDERSHOP LIMITED 
滙豐銀行 (A/C 808-507131-001) 戶口名稱:ELDERSHOP LIMITED T/A GINGKO HOUSE (銀杏館)

6.   What payment do you accept?

We use Paypal (Major credit cards accepted) for online transactions from our website at or you can do bank transfer to the following accounts (let us know via email , Fax至 3747 5651;or WhatsApp 5109 3968

Pay to:ELDERSHOP LIMITED (愛德心有限公司)

恒生銀行 (Hang Seng)  :379-226889-883
中國銀行 (Bank of China):012-35100042148


Pay to:GINGKO HOUSE (銀杏館)

滙豐銀行 (HSBC)            :808-507131-001

7.    如經銀行轉賬,如何向你們展示收據?
銀行入數紙可電郵至;或傳真至 3747 5651;或 WhatsApp 5109 3968。

7.    How can I send my bank receipt to Gingko House?
Please send email to, or fax to 3747 5651, or WhatsApp to 5109 3968.
8.    轉贈物品是否直接送到受助者手中?

8.    Are the goods delivered directly to the recipients?
Every campaign, we deliver a portion by our staff or volunteer team.  The other portion we distribute to local organizations who then distribute to their target groups.


9.    我能否只登記做義工?
當然可以,可透過網站 申請成為義工,或在辦公時間內聯絡 2810 9211 登記。

9.    Can I just register as a volunteer?
Of course you can, please register online at
During office hours, you may also contact 2810 9211 for volunteer registration.

10.  可否捐出自己未用過的物品作轉贈?


10.   Can donate my personal unused items?
For safety, collection and distribution issues, donations will not be currently accepted. However, we are looking at how to arrange this for the future.


11.   我沒有Paypal戶口,可否用現金或支票付款?

支持轉數快(FPS)戶口, 轉數快電話號碼: 68457682 ​

恒生銀行 (A/C 244-256574-001) 戶口名稱:Gingko House 
中國銀行 (A/C 012-35100042148) 戶口名稱:ELDERSHOP LIMITED 
滙豐銀行 (A/C 808-507131-001) 戶口名稱:ELDERSHOP LIMITED T/A GINGKO HOUSE (銀杏館)

支持 Payme: 付款

註:入賬後煩請將收據 WhatsApp(5109 3968/ 6845 7682)或電郵(予本館。


​2. 到我們分店以現金認購:

黃埔店 - 銀杏士多 
地址:九龍紅磡德民街34A地下4E鋪 (黃埔站B出口)

油麻地店 - 越老 
地址:九龍油麻地彌敦道 385 號平安大樓一樓 (油麻地C出口右轉直走)

長沙灣店 - 銀杏時光
地址:九龍長沙灣青山道441號地下(長沙灣地鐵站 C2 出口)

深水埗店 - 越老仔 
地址:九龍深水埗欽州街37K西九龍中心2樓211A (深水埗站C1出口)

太古店 - 銀杏時光
地址 : 太古基利路 7 號 (太古站B出口左轉直走2分鐘)
上環店 - 耆素
地址 : 干諾道西3號億利大廈地下A-B號舖

油塘店 - 婆婆廚房   電話: 26631998
地址:油塘大本型廣場天台花園R01號 (油塘站A1出口)


3. 支票

支票抬頭: ELDERSHOP LIMITED (愛德心有限公司)



11.   I don't have Paypal account, may I pay cash or cheque?
We accept payment online through Paypal or bank transfer, cash or cheque.


12.   付款後我如何取得付款收據?
每次交易後,您將收到兩封電郵,一封是由我們系統發出的確認購買通知,另一封則是 Paypal 的付款收據。


12.   How can I get a copy of my receipt after paying the payment?
After each transaction, you will receive two emails. One email from our system confirming your purchase and a second email which serves as the receipt from Paypal.


13.   誰是受助者?


13.   Who is the recipient of the campaign? 
Beneficiaries List

14.    你們是如何派發物品給弱勢社群?


14.    How do you distribute the items out to the underprivileged groups?
By concentration of the needy in each district, or through registered social service agencies or NGO.



Address: Room 503, 5/F, Harvest Building,                     29-35 Wing Kut St, Central

         Tel 電話: +852 2810 9211

        Fax 傳真: +852 2810 9377

​     Email 電郵:

web site 網址:


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Copyright © 2021 by Gingko House Love Project.

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